6 Factors to Consider for a SharePoint Ticketing SystemWhile SharePoint is a powerful platform for collaboration and document management, building your own homegrown SharePoint ticketing system has limitations. It is much better to go with an experienced vendor who can provide a robust ticketing system in SharePoint. We at Crow Canyon provide such a system, NITRO Help Desk.

Here are 6 common limitations of building your own SharePoint ticketing system:

1. Limited Customization

A “homemade” SharePoint ticketing system will lack the level of customization and flexibility that dedicated ticketing systems offer. Customizing workflows and forms might require advanced technical expertise. This can make it challenging for non-technical users to adapt the system to their specific needs. A pre-built system such as NITRO Help Desk provides the tools to easily leverage advanced workflows and forms with no coding.

2. Complexity for End Users

Native SharePoint can be complex for end users who are not familiar with the platform. Navigating through the interface, submitting tickets, and tracking their progress might not be intuitive for all users, leading to potential confusion and reduced efficiency. As with all ticketing systems, user adoption is key to success. NITRO Help Desk solves this problem by providing easy to use interfaces that drive user adoption.

3. Limited Automation

SharePoint’s native automation capabilities are limited compared to specialized ticketing systems. Automating certain tasks, such as ticket assignment, escalation, or notifications, is challenging and inefficient in native SharePoint. This becomes much easier in NITRO Help Desk, with its robust automation capabilities built in. Trying to build this into SharePoint yourself would be difficult and wrought with failures.

4. Reporting and Analytics Limitations

The reporting and analytics capabilities within native SharePoint are not as robust as those of dedicated ticketing systems. In native SharePoint, generating comprehensive reports and gaining actionable insights from ticket data is challenging and difficult. NITRO Help Desk gives organizations the reporting analytical tools they need to make informed decisions.

5. Integration Challenges

Building homegrown integrations of SharePoint with other systems or applications can be complex and require custom development. However, a dedicated SharePoint ticketing system such as NITRO Help Desk comes with built in integrations, making it easy to connect to customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and other business-critical functions.

6. Lack of Specialized Features

SharePoint may lack specialized features commonly found in dedicated ticketing systems, such as SLA management, knowledge base integration, and customer satisfaction surveys. These features are crucial for efficient ticket resolution and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.


When considering using a homegrown SharePoint ticketing system, it’s important to consider these limitations. If you would like to take advantage of the benefits of SharePoint without sacrificing any help desk features, NITRO Help Desk may be a good solution for you. It provides all the robust features and benefits of an external ticketing system. As a Microsoft Preferred Business Application, it also allows you to fully utilize the SharePoint environment to provide a faster, easier, smarter SharePoint ticketing system.