About Krista White

Krista White is the Director of Marketing at Crow Canyon Software, with over 26 years of experience leveraging the M365 environment. Krista is passionate about elevating business processes in Microsoft 365, Teams, & SharePoint. She enjoys sharing business solutions with the community and exploring growth opportunities. She also likes animals, nature, and good food.
5 07, 2024

SharePoint Classic vs. Modern: Why Companies Should Move from SharePoint Classic Mode to the Modern UI Experience

2024-07-24T04:41:26-07:00July 5th, 2024|

Microsoft is investing heavily in Modern SharePoint, which is the backend for Microsoft Teams. Classic SharePoint is now outdated, with limited mobile support, end of life features, and poor usability, Organizations need to migrate to Modern SharePoint or run the risk of being left behind. Crow Canyon Software can help you move your SharePoint [...]

5 07, 2024

AI Tools for Business: Practical Copilot Uses in M365

2024-07-24T05:06:24-07:00July 5th, 2024|

AI tools for business offer many exciting new possibilities. However, the true power comes from leveraging tools like copilots effectively to impact real business results. NITRO Copilot offers practical AI solutions for business process automation, focusing on responsible AI and seamless integration with request management systems like NITRO Help Desk. If you missed our [...]

26 06, 2024

Crow Canyon Software adds AI-powered Copilots to its NITRO Help Desks for IT and for HR

2024-06-28T11:31:19-07:00June 26th, 2024|

Crow Canyon Software’s NITRO Help Desk now includes Copilots that drive quick and accurate responses while easing end user and staff workloads. Crow Canyon Software, a Microsoft 365 Business Applications Partner, announces the release of NITRO Copilot for its Help Desk products. Using NITRO Copilot, end users can get comprehensive answers to their questions [...]

31 05, 2024

AI User Experience: User Adoption & Change Management

2024-07-26T13:58:07-07:00May 31st, 2024|

AI user experience is key to the success of any new AI initiative. Join us as we explore user adoption, change management, and data governance to ensure a secure, beneficial implementation of AI in your organization. Highlights The importance of user engagement and data governance in AI application success. The need for a strategic [...]

10 05, 2024

How SharePoint’s Add-In Retirement in Microsoft 365 Impacts NITRO Studio

2024-07-26T01:04:49-07:00May 10th, 2024|

In the ever-changing landscape of working with Microsoft products, Crow Canyon has needed to adapt and change along with that landscape. From the various iterations of SharePoint on-premises to moving to M365 we have adapted and developed our webparts in accordance with Microsoft’s best practices. Sometimes, though, the changes are less expected. As an [...]

6 05, 2024

Microsoft Dynamics Procurement Module: Save Money on Licensing

2024-07-25T00:46:12-07:00May 6th, 2024|

If you are using a Microsoft Dynamics procurement module, it's time you know that you have options. As you may have read in our previous article, overpaying for ERP purchasing solutions is a fairly common mistake. However, you don't have to do this with Microsoft Dynamics 365. In fact, you can save significantly on licensing, [...]

1 05, 2024

2 Reasons Why Most Ticketing Systems Fail & How To Make Sure Your System Succeeds

2024-07-26T13:48:29-07:00May 1st, 2024|

An effective help desk ticketing system sounds good in theory. You have a standardized system where users can go to get help. Great, right? The thing is, being human, users tend to not follow protocol. Ask any help desk technician and they receive personal emails or are pinged in Teams consistently by colleagues who [...]

4 04, 2024

Unleashing Efficiency: Transitioning from Nintex to NITRO Studio

2024-07-24T05:12:39-07:00April 4th, 2024|

In the fast-paced world of business operations, efficiency isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of success. Picture this: a bustling office, where every process seamlessly flows, tasks are completed with lightning speed, and productivity soars. Now, imagine achieving all this while saving money with just a single transition – from Nintex to NITRO [...]

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