Benefits of AI in the WorkplaceWith the advancement of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and CoPilot, the benefits of AI in the workplace continue to grow. While many of us are impressed with what the latest AI can do, it is now up to us to leverage it in a way that helps strengthen our organizations.

Benefits of AI 

As exciting as AI can be, we should only leverage it if it actually benefits the company. That is, there is no point in using AI just to use it. We must leverage it in a way that actually helps make us better, so let’s start there. How can AI make us better? These are a few benefits of properly leveraged AI:

  • Save Time
    Properly trained AI can help save time for everyone from help desk support to employees at large. As AI continues to advance, it can gather context about the user (location, job title, order history, etc.) along with broader data (familiar phrasing, similar requests coming from a single department, etc.) and deliver relevant, summarized answers promptly. When AI gathers this information on its own, your employees can save time on researching, reading, or reviewing records to provide essentially the same answer.
  • Extend Workforce
    You can leverage AI to help speed up operations and extend the power of the workforce as well. As discussed above, employees no longer need to manually look something up. AI can be leveraged to populate relevant information for users on its own. This frees your employees up to focus on areas where humans are truly needed as opposed to getting bogged down in research or reviewing extensive information.
  • Provide Timely Support
    In addition to faster response times (by not needing to wait for a human to be available during peak hours), AI can be used to provide automated round-the-clock support. Properly trained AI can provide timely support at any hour that goes beyond a typical KB search or Googling a solution, resulting in greater user satisfaction.

How to Leverage AI 

You can leverage AI in a number of ways to help your organization grow. The key is determining the best opportunities to utilize AI in your organization. Here are a couple possibilities we recommend starting with:

  • Employee Support
    Feed AI knowledge base articles, FAQs, and manuals to provide employees with concise answers to everything from tech support questions to inquiries about company leave policies. You can even train AI to identify technically savvy employees versus those who may need more support, and provide different kinds of responses accordingly.
  • Customer Support
    When you combine intel of what products customers have purchased along with frequently asked questions and historical tickets, you can teach AI to answer common customer support questions. Again, saving time and providing customers with the immediate answers they are looking for.


Now, we know AI can be leveraged in a number of different ways. The key is to leverage it effectively – to train the AI and apply it to the right processes. This is the part that many struggle with. As exciting as these new developments can be, it is now our job to use them in ways that are beneficial to our organizations. That’s where we come in.

At Crow Canyon Software, we have been leveraging AI like NLP and email sentiment analysis in our solutions for years. As recent advancements in AI have become more widely available, we have been at the forefront of this movement, creating new ways to leverage AI in our already powerful business process automation solutions as well. We understand how essential it is to prepare data to train AI properly to make it as effective as possible.

If you are interested in expanding the use of AI at your organization, contact us to discuss where to get started. We are here to apply our expertise to help your organization grow.

Curious to learn more? Watch our recent webinar on transforming M365 business operations with AI here: