Microsoft Teams as ticketing system: leveraging Teams can be very powerful.

There are many benefits of using Microsoft Teams as a ticketing system including:

  • integrationHow to Use Microsoft Teams as a Ticketing System
  • familiar interface
  • real-time communication
  • customization
  • centralized communication
  • mobile accessibility
  • scalability
  • security and compliance
  • and more

Most of today’s workforce uses Teams day in, day out anyway, so why not leverage that?

However, the challenge is that most ticketing systems don’t actually fully integrate with Teams. Essentially, “Teams integration” often ends up looking pretty much like using the help desk website…just within Teams. This defeats the purpose and doesn’t really leverage any of the benefits of having Microsoft Teams as a ticketing system.

Alternatively, attempting to build your own ticketing system within Teams can be fraught with challenges. Typically, you will end up with a half-baked ticketing system that lacks reporting and other important features. Plus, the cost of development and then maintenance can quickly outweigh the cost of an out-of-the-box solution.

So, what do you do?

This is actually exactly why we developed NITRO Help Desk, the #1 Microsoft Teams ticketing system. Leveraging all the benefits of running a ticking system in Microsoft Teams and M365, combined with the power of a full-scale, robust help desk. NITRO Help Desk allows users to to create tickets directly from Teams messages. Techs can assign and manage tickets directly withing Teams as well, and user adoption is through the roof since users are all perfectly familiar with Teams anyway.

Get your demo of NITRO Help Desk!

Learn more about NITRO Help Desk here: