
2023 Business Resolutions: 4 Musts

2023 Business Resolutions

Many of us consider making personal resolutions for the New Year, but this is also an excellent time to evaluate where we are as an organization and make 2023 business resolutions to help make it a great year.

There are four main areas that are vital to consider when planning for the New Year and examining organizational opportunities.


Where does growth fit in to your everyday action items? Most organizations aim to achieve growth and that is all well and good but making a deliberate plan for yourself and your organization to help make this a reality is a whole other story. What actions will you take daily, weekly, and monthly in the new year to make growth a reality? How much growth would you like to achieve? How will you measure it?

What obstacles may get in the way of achieving your growth goals over the next year? Whether there are competitors, market conditions, or internal restraints that need to be addressed, now is the perfect time to evaluate your organization’s challenges and be deliberate and measured in the New Year.


Many people do not realize just how large an impact productivity can have on an organization’s success. Of course, there is productivity as it relates to happy employees – keeping people motivated and helping them feel appreciated. That is important.

However, most organizations also have massive opportunities to simply streamline processes more and leverage employees in a stronger fashion. Why not utilize employee time to do things only employees can do? Consider automating processes wherever possible to save time, increase employee satisfaction, and apply employees toward forward-moving projects (not the nitty-gritty). NITRO Studio is an excellent solution to help with this.


No matter your industry, people are likely an important part of what you do – whether internal to your organization or external serving customers and clients directly.

In recent years, there has been a strong push toward connecting with others on a more human level in marketing materials, inter-office communications, and more. This is fundamental to just about any role and while it may seem simple, this is not to be overlooked.

Plan opportunities to hit “pause” on the rush of business throughout the year and simply connect with people. From helping employees feel seen to humanizing a large corporation, just about any role can benefit from this and it can pay off long-term.


Evaluate your tech stack and look for holes. What unnecessary tech do you have that you can cut free in the New Year? What opportunities do you have to strengthen security or improve communications? Technology is constantly changing and that means each year, you have new tools at your disposal. Make sure you are giving this proper consideration because refining your tech stack can be an easy opportunity.

Many organizations can benefit from business process automation, a help desk, or asset management.


The New Year is an excellent time to hit the “reset” button and make solid, actionable plans for the New Year. This will pave the path for your 2023 business resolutions to turn into business successes.

For success, set measurable goals and plan specifically how you and your organization will take action daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly to reach your goal by this time next year.

For true success, put together a plan – avoiding ambiguous goals like “work harder” or “make more money.” Lay out the roadmap for how you will get there and be prepared to start the New Year off right.


Krista White

Krista White is the Director of Marketing at Crow Canyon Software, with over 26 years of experience leveraging the M365 environment. Krista is passionate about elevating business processes in Microsoft 365, Teams, & SharePoint. She enjoys sharing business solutions with the community and exploring growth opportunities. She also likes animals, nature, and good food.