NITRO Studio

Overcoming the SharePoint 5000 Item Limit

SharePoint can be a great platform, but there is one issue users often find themselves asking: How do I overcome the SharePoint 5000 item limit threshold?

Microsoft has persistently and insistently kept a cap on the number of items returned in a single list view in SharePoint: 5000. While a SharePoint list can technically contain upwards of 30,000,000 (30 million) items, this limitation has presented challenges when developing apps on SharePoint. For our customers, it limits what you can show in our NITRO List Views, Reports, and Tiles & Dials. Well folks, NITRO can now support views with more than 5000 items in all three of these apps!

NITRO List Views

Whether you use a SharePoint list view or use the query condition builder in List Views, if the view contains more than 5000 items, you can still display everything! In practice, you’ll probably still want to add in pagination, and return only 100 items in one page, but nothing is stopping you from displaying all items all at once!

NITRO Reports

Previously, we supported using multiple views in NITRO Reports. So, while you always could configure multiple views and use them in a report (ensuring each view contains 5000 or fewer items), it was a pain to create two or more views for just one report. With this improvement, you can use one view that contains many more than 5000 items in one report!

Tiles & Dials

When displaying a Tile as a count of items in a list view, the 5000 list view limitation was there. Now you can easily display a count of many more than 5000 items in a tile!

This is a huge improvement for the capabilities of NITRO, both on its own and in our applications. You can dispense with archiving old tickets in our Help Desk, and no longer need to worry about what happens when you have more than 5000 assets.


We are thrilled to offer this exciting advancement so users will no longer have to ask, “How do I overcome the SharePoint 5000 item limit threshold?”

Want to learn more? Learn about NITRO Studio and all its capabilities here.

Krista White

Krista White is the Director of Marketing at Crow Canyon Software, with over 26 years of experience leveraging the M365 environment. Krista is passionate about elevating business processes in Microsoft 365, Teams, & SharePoint. She enjoys sharing business solutions with the community and exploring growth opportunities. She also likes animals, nature, and good food.