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Achieve Work Order Efficiency with Crow Canyon’s Facility Maintenance for SharePoint & Office 365

Managing a facility and its equipment, whether it’s a business office, manufacturing plant, a warehouse, factory, or a whole campus, is a demanding task that requires a constant, focused effort. A dedicated work order management system is critical to success.

The alternative — addressing maintenance needs on an ad-hoc basis — is a recipe for disaster. Many companies, however, fall into this trap, dealing with issues as they appear and assigning tasks by email or paper or some other clunky system to whomever is available at the time. This approach magnifies operating costs and wastes valuable time and labor. Who would not want to manage the difficult task of equipment and facility maintenance in a more efficient and less-harried manner?

Lack of Work Order Management = Much Higher Maintenance Costs

Without a work order management system, companies are unable to identify costly factors such as:

  • The amount of time spent fixing each issue and the ability to analyze this data.
  • Time wasted manually assigning work orders to first-available maintenance personnel who may lack the required skill-sets.
  • Lack of issue transparency: No knowledge of the equipment’s maintenance history, replacement cost, procurement details, or status changes.
  • No historical work order data means that comparative analysis is impossible: Are your maintenance costs higher or lower than last quarter? Is more time being spent for the same work? etc.
Take Control of your Work Orders with SharePoint

Crow Canyon’s Facility Maintenance for SharePoint empowers your organization to take control of work order processes. The application accomplishes this by centralizing and simplifying the process of creating, tracking, routing, and managing work orders. Employees can submit work order requests via e-mail, Web, SharePoint, portals, and Outlook. All requests are converted into tickets, which can be automatically routed to the relevant staff based on configurable workflows. You define how tickets should flow in your organization and our Facility Maintenance software takes care of the rest.

Work order tickets can be linked to highly useful information, such as documentation, date & time stamps, policies, procedures, and so on. They can be associated with sub-tasks. When used with our Equipment Tracking for SharePoint, all work orders can be tied to specific assets and equipment.

The program comes with a robust degree of configurability, all with 100% no coding. The work order ticket system can be as simple or comprehensive as you like. You can easily customize the entire ticket experience — forms, workflows, required fields, routing, alerts and notifications, and more.

Key Features of Crow Canyon’s Facility Maintenance for SharePoint

Here are a few of the key features of our Facility Maintenance solution:

  • Time Tracking: How long the ticket remains pending, time between statuses, time between approvals, time spent doing maintenance, etc.
  • Cost Input: All maintenance costs can be included in work order tickets, such as replacement, repair, procurement, and depreciation costs. The Facility Maintenance solution can also be integrated with our Equipment Tracking application, which enables your organization to quickly access detailed asset information, get current statuses, and access detailed cost/procurement information so that you can track financial data for all of your equipment.
  • Work Logs: Keep track of maintenance and access historical data about your equipment while managing the actual physical work being done. All of this data can then be analyzed via our Reporting functionality.
  • Alerts & Notifications: Configure alerts and notifications so that you can remain aware of your company’s work order fulfillment processes. Like many functionalities, alerts and notifications are highly configurable, enabling you to define specific triggers for your alerts (e.g., a work order remains outstanding for more than 1 hour, an emergency work order ticket requires immediate approval, etc.).
  • Reporting & Analytics: All ticket movement, and data entered/modified, is meticulously tracked and recorded. This back-end data gathering is auto-fed to our reporting & analytics engine, which is designed to provide you with a comprehensive viewpoint of how your work order system is functioning. Configurable reports enable you to get the information you need to make intelligent decisions, such as: how long it takes maintenance personnel to fix issues, how quickly work order tickets remain in a pending status, which type of issues are recurring over time, and identify time & cost factors such as delayed approvals or sub-standard repair work.

Facility maintenance is ongoing for the lifetime of the buildings and all assets within, whatever they may be: air-conditioners, boilers, medical devices, security systems, fire extinguishers, automated doors, etc. ad infinitum. All assets, equipment, and even the structure itself, require regular maintenance. There are a lot of moving parts involved — when one asset goes down it can affect the reliability of the system as a whole. Keeping track of problems, and issues that can become problems, is beyond the realm of manual processing; a reliable platform is a must.

Our Facility Management application is a no-code solution that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft SharePoint or Office 365; there is no need for additional infrastructure or development resources to implement it. It provides a robust and effective way to manage maintenance and work orders, improving service levels while reducing costs and helping staff to be more productive. If you are ready to move off an inefficient system and gain the advantages of an organized work order process, let us know.

Would you like to learn about how your SharePoint environment can become a true business productivity platform? Let’s talk. Give us a call at 1-888-706-0070 or contact us by e-mail at

Crow Canyon Systems has 16 years of experience assisting organizations in leveraging their existing infrastructure, rather than requiring new hardware & technologies. We specialize in building upon your collaboration platforms, such as SharePoint and Office 365, in order to give your Help Desk and Support Staff the tools they need to provide assistance without the need for additional infrastructure.

Scott Restivo